
So what is Euclid & 9th?

Here’s the deal:

Cleveland doesn’t really suck. Despite the incredible number of haters (most who’ve never been to the city or surrounding area), Cleveland has a lot to offer. Sure, you might have to drive a little ways, and yes, there might be some waiting until the weekend. And it certainly isn’t the glamour capital of the world. But with that being said, Cleveland is a thriving area – you just need to know where to look.

And that’s what Euclid & 9th is here to do: To tell you where to look. Sure, you might hear about the next Nickelback concert coming to Quicken Loans on the radio, but what about all of the smaller bands and artists who’ll be making stops in Cleveland? You can find them here.

You can also find recommendations, both for live shows and just for listening. Expect some commentary. Expect lots of suggestions. Take some, leave the others. It’s all about helping you find where you’re going and what you like.

So why is it called Euclid & 9th?

Euclid & 9th was the first intersection I ever associated with Cleveland. I was going to my first show at the House of Blues, and I distinctly remember that intersection because it seemed so momentous to me – we were so close to the HOB! This was a big deal! Ever since, the intersection has stuck with me. I’ve been lost on that intersection, wandering around before seeing Against Me! I’ve waiting there for many bands in all kinds of weather, both freezing and burning.

So Euclid & 9th is literally a special place.

And now it’s here to help.

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